Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Feel A Sin Coming On

I try to be the best at what I am; a human being. Though I have to admit that there are just some things about me that I don't understand and perhaps never will. Am I shallow? Have I been conditioned and brainwashed to think of what is attractive and what's not? People talk about inner beauty but I have yet to experienced such an attraction. Is it a myth? Or are looks more important than anybody could ever comprehend? I believe in inner beauty but it is something that cannot be captured within a gaze. It is something that will develop in the relationship. Which leads me to my other point. The accomodation of time to elapse before you can 'see' and 'appreciate' somebody's inner beauty. As you can see I'm a pragmatic. I feel the need for everything to make sense and realism.

So what can I conclude from this 'analysis'? Love isn't a fairytale. It doesn't exist. It's not the movies that you and I watch of the handsome leading man, running to the beautiful leading lady and them kissing on a benign yet believeable backdrop of an awesome view. Love is like religion. If you truly believe in it, it will guide your heart of its desires. If it were to be true, only you would feel it. Like how we know the air exists. We can't see it but we can feel it around us.

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