Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Beginning of the End

This is the haunting period. The time when the demons of regret come for you. She stood right there. And I said those words, "I'm sorry. I don't think I can make you happy. Maybe we should break-up." To think about her now with someone else, it felt like all the oxygen has been sucked out the room.

After the break-up, I just couldn't fall asleep anymore. The more I tried to sleep, the less tired I felt. I was wide awake. I tried everything. I just became immune to sleep. I suddenly found I had eight extra hours. My life had been extended by a third. I wanted time to pass quickly but instead I was forced to witness the passing of every second of every hour. I wanted the hurt I felt to go away but in some cruel trick of events, I now had even more time in my hands. More time to think about her.

I took the bus with no real place to go. I watched the landscape slowly change as it clung to the last hours of sunlight before leaving me to yet another sleepless night. I started to read all the books I wished I had time to read. With the extra hours, I even had time to re-read my favourite ones. But she was never far from my mind.

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