Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Long Road Down

I'm honestly thinking of giving up. I can't bear being this stressed out for every single day of my life. Now it's been added with some financial concerns and to be honest I cannot be bothered anymore. It's taken a toll on me mentally. I might seem okay but its always there, lingering in my mind. I'm sick of it and I'm considering the inevitable. But when I look at the beautiful nieces I have, I think about all those years that I might miss. I just cannot live on the edge anymore.

Lately I've had some suspicions of a certain someone. She acts differently around me. She even confessed that she wasn't happy. But I never thought it to be that bad. I could understand if she wants happiness as God knows she deserves it more than anyone. Though I don't think the story ends there. Hopefully I'll get a chance to confront her. And tell her what I really think about the whole situation. Sadly, just when I thought my life is back on the rise, another situation develops making me a victim of it, again. I'm losing my mind. Right now all I can think of is home.

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