Sunday, November 4, 2012


There's just so much in this world that we cannot seek to understand. How we are our own enemies and it saddens me to the brink of depression when I sit and think it through. Why are we so cruel and heartless?

Were like a cancer to our own kind. We are our own downfall. We are our own destruction. Such a precious thing, this life, yet we've taken God's gift and manipulated it into a thing of hatred, anger, jealousy, poverty and war. So much death in this perfect world. So many lives ruined by the greed of a few. How has it come to this?

We were blessed by God upon our creation, an image of the Almighty himself. God's other creations bowed at us, such is the honor. We were created to think for ourselves yet we act as if we are of primal nature. There's just too much suffering that I break down and cry thinking about it. Were all being hurt. Were all at war. And the enemy is within ourselves.

When will the good outweigh the evil? When will all of us wake up from this dreamworld we think we are in? When will we be truly free? Look upon the mirror and ask these questions to yourself. Put aside all lingering doubts. You know what's right and wrong. When will you act on what you know is morally right?

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