Monday, April 25, 2011

The Morning Star

So Easter break is here. Much needed break for me to get myself away from my studies. I don't enjoy going to classes nowadays anyways. I've just lost all motivation to continue living here and lately I've been behaving as if I'm moving back with my sister and her family. I just hope that when my father comes next week, he will see the reasons that I have to offer to go back home. I don't think I can last another month here. What's the point being somewhere you don't wanna be? You only get one shot at this life and you should do what makes you happy right? I'm going with my gut instincts on this one.

Weekend was spent celebrating my sister's birthday up in Dandenong. Had a nice time out with Areesa as well. Speaking of which, that little angel is growing up so fast that it's beyond belief! She would give me the sweetest smile and laugh every morning when I see her. It's just the smile that makes my day.

Sunday was spent at Camberwell market to support some of my friends who've set up a stall to sell all of their dusty shit. Getting up at 5AM wasn't really my thing but it was a nice and refreshing experience. Got rid of some of my shoes which I've been holding on to since forever. Another busy day ahead with Deadmau5 concert up in Creamfields. Argh. I'm really going all out this year on making myself as busy as possible. It does help me take my mind off of stuff. So I'll just keep going.

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