Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Surviving Hangovers

So last night I went to a local bar and over-indulged a little. To be honest, my head is thumping, my mouth is dry and my concentration is.. You get my point. Hooray for Arsenal who defeated Chelsea, no hooray for the Jack Daniel's that defeated me (and still continues to smash my face off the curb). Given the spirit of this wondrous occasion, I thought it would be a good idea to offer you 10 tips that will help you avoid and cure that bastard hangover.

1. Eat Food – Make sure that you always have something in your stomach before you start pounding back Budweiser’s. This will slow down the rate in which alcohol enters the bloodstream, meaning you’ll be able to tolerate a little more before you slap your face off the dance floor.

2. Drink Water - This one is easier said than done, especially when you’re living in the moment. Experts say that if you drink one glass of water for every alcoholic drink consumed, you will reduce the after-effects you experience due to dehydration. Basically, drink a mixed drink, order a water and repeat. Simple right? Again, easier said than done, which is why my liver is punishing my face right now.

3. The Lighter The Better - Whisky? Don’t do it, opt for a vodka instead. Fact is, the lighter the liquor you drink now, the lighter the headache tomorrow. The reason for this is that darker liquor like whisky and certain rums contain higher amounts of “congeners”, a toxin that calls your drink of choice home. These toxins put more strain on your system and are a bitch for your liver to sort out, so be a friend to your liver and go Vodka!

4. Lose The Sugar - I’m not saying this because I care about your weight, I’m saying this because alcohol naturally spikes your blood sugar levels, so mixing caffeinated, sugar packed energy drinks with your “fun juice” isn’t a good idea at all!

5. Vitamins - Throw back a vitamin B and C and you’ll be well on your way to curing this “after-party” you are experiencing. While you drink, you often tend to urinate more frequently; although you may not realize it my dear friend, you are literally flushing vitamin B down the toilet and that is not good. Luckily you can take a supplement to replace all that was lost, and if you decide to pop a vitamin C your immune system will shift into overdrive and begin to rescue your poor liver.

6. Don’t Mix - You should already know this, so let me just make this one a reminder. Don’t mix alcohol. Ever. I cannot stress the importance of this enough. If you plan on drinking beer, stick with beer. Cuban-themed event? Stick with the rum. Do not by any means start going Mexican while swallowing Heineken’s, tequila shots will make you hate your life.

7. Gatorade - If you already feel the pain I am suffering while writing this, then is obviously too late. Luckily for us there are a few things that will help ease the pain, and sports drinks are one of them. Not only will they get you hydrated, they also replenish your electrolytes. As an added bonus, Gatorade also tastes a hell of a lot better than water when you’re struggling to survive. If it just so happens that you don’t have access to a sports drink and you’re too disabled to gallop to the store, grab a lemon and squeeze it into a tall glass of water. Not only will that give the drink some bite, it will also give you the vitamin C needed to get your immune system back on track.

8. Painkillers – I’m not a big advocate of painkillers in general, but sometimes the headache can be unbearable. Grab an extra-strength Tylenol/Advil and get on with your day. Be careful though, painkillers put an extra strain on your liver, something that is already working its ass off to save you so don’t over-do them.

9. Clean Yourself - I have always found that a nice hot shower and the scrubbing of my teeth can make a huge difference. It won’t cure you, but it will definitely make you feel a lot better about leaving the house. I just find it refreshing, and sometimes after a shower I forget I’m even hungover at all. Sadly, that won’t happen today.

10. Tell Yourself You Will Never Drink Again - We all do it.

I promise myself I will follow these guidelines every time I touch a bottle though it never works. Hopefully you’ll have better luck implementing them into your life. In the meantime, I’m off to try and put myself back together. Hope you feel better.

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