Monday, July 11, 2011

Are We Clean Now?

Amidst the current political storm that has been brewing in Malaysia, I feel the need or be it a sudden urge to spit out what's on my mind. First and foremost is the fact that I'm truly disappointed that the people have still failed in identifying who the real villain is in this saga. It remains to be the system.

Though I applaud the bravery of the men and women who demonstrated for fair elections, I cannot but see through the disinformation and continued confusion as to what is the real agenda behind this Bersih thing is. If it was truly a move by the people, I would have thought that the opposition (PKR) party should not have so publicly showed their support towards it. Ever since Anwar had a hand within the rallies, the whole motive of the protest was questioned.

This is s valid argument, in a sense that the chants of "Reformasi" were heard thus again confusing the neutrals who are sitting at home and watching as the chaos engulfs the whole city. If Anwar truly wanted a rally by the people, he should have stayed out of it and watch the people fight for their rights. Instead, he selfishly got his hands into it and in the process making it a political rally with one agenda on it's mind : the overthrowing of the current government. This just shows you the narrow-mindedness of the de facto opposition leader in his attempt to get attention off of his 2 pending trials due to start next month.

Bersih 2.0 was a success no doubt, but it is just another directless point of action in a system that just doesn't quite work in the multi-faceted society that we live in today. Valiant effort boys but try to look at the bigger picture and give it another go.

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