Sunday, September 5, 2010


There's only one thing that makes me more mad than I already am; posers. See, anarchy has been identified and linked in the modern world with punk rock. I mean, what is up with that? Can an idealogy really be interpreted into a particular 'trend'?

Posers are people who looked like punks but they did it for fashion. They'd go around saying, "Anarchy in the UK". It was a Sex Pistols thing right? They were from England, they were fucking British that's what they did. They were allowed to go on about anarchy in the UK. You don't live your life by lyrics.

Then there's the argument about who started punk rock music. Was it the Sex Pistols in England? Was it The Ramones and The Velvet Underground at New York? Who the fuck cares who started it? It's music. Just goddamn music. I'm sick and tired of watching every single idealogy smeared by today's generation. Everything has to be trendy this and that. Live out of it. Be who you really want to be and stop pretending you give two shits about something you really couldn't care less.

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